- Priyadharshini K
- 04-Sep-2017 06:20:17
Roadmap ERP Simple steps for Generating PO from requisitions
Purchase orders
management is one of the key components of an ERP system. Roadmap ERP provides
enormous features enabling the users to reduce their manual work. This saves
lots of valuable time of the users in making the POs from requisition in simple
In this blog, we will discuss a useful feature about how to
generate multiple purchase orders from requisitions without making multiple
entries manually for the POs
RFQ/PO Conversion screen allows the users to create multiple
Purchase orders from the requisitions by selecting the purchase requests and
the supplier. This allows the users to create multiple orders automatically for
a supplier. Requisition details such as default store house of the item, SO
details for the purchase etc. will be displayed in the quick view as shown
Let see, how to generate multiple POs from requisitions.
User selects the multiple requests and enters the supplier.
Once he clicks on the create PO button, Purchase orders are created
automatically based on the configuration.
The PO Conversion screen provides the below details
regarding the requisitions and the items,
1. Approved suppliers for the item can be identified using View Approved
supplier button
2. Pending Orders against the purchases.
3. Last Purchase price of the Items.
4. Shortcut to navigate to the PO screen to view the created Purchase Orders.
5. Pending Purchase requisitions can be exported to excel format.
You can navigate directly to the created POs by launching the shortcut from the
PO conversion
Hence with the help of this feature of Roadmap ERP, user can save the time and
reduce the stress in generating the multiple POs automatically. In our next
blog, we will discuss about the purchase receipt creation and receiving the